About us

Cloud-based high-tech AI intelligent platform for property management


Enable automation, increase data quality, and collect and structure all that data so we can apply advanced technology, to assist your business to achieve higher process efficiency, lower transaction costs and better control of business operations.


Automation reduces time, effort and cost, whilst reducing manual errors, giving your business more time to focus on your primary objectives. Repetitive tasks can be completed faster. Automating processes ensures high quality results as each task is performed identically, without human error.with minimal human intervention.


Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience or from existing databases, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks LEAF will assist your company use intelligent automation to cut costs, by using AI-powered robotic software to replace workers who handle repetitive tasks.

Need Help Deploying a System?


LEAF professional project engineer team can arrange a meeting with you to understand your requirements, or give you a proposal with a consultant or project manager according to your design.


We provide a complete service, including supplying related equipment, coordinating installation, setting, and ensuring it can run correctly.


Provide you with complete training & after-sales service for the system, and support system upgrades.



LEAF will assist you to make better decision-making based on data Business meetings that discuss visual data tend to be shorter and reach consensus more easily as compared to those that focus on only text or numbers. Data visualization helps to reach decisions faster and enables viewers to glean far better insights about patterns and trends.and better understand data. the visualization can bring everyone on the same page,

LEAF is the foundational platform for smart spaces

Integrate all the software and hardware and third-party resources you need.


We Provide Great Solutions For Your Business

LEAF Smart Solutions will help you optimize management decisions, reduce operating costs, and improve efficiency in a short time.

Reduce Operating Costs
Lower Staffing Requirements
Increase Operational Efficiency
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